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Wednesday, August 8, 2018

A Rebuttal, Racism, Dr. King, Prohibition, The Poor, The Forgotten, Isolationism, Nationalism, Protectionism, Religious Fascism, What We As a World Need to Get Back T

Donald Trump is a racist and the perfect man to represent America’s racist legacy in the countries he called shitholes. Intercepted Host Jeremy Scahill lays out the bloody U.S. history in Haiti and El Salvador and blasts the bipartisan, selective amnesia and historical revisionism that “American exceptionalism” demands. Every January, the Martin Luther King Day holiday is an important reminder that one of the defining characteristics of the American exceptionalism that Democratic and Republican politicians constantly mention is selective amnesia combined with historical revisionism. This year was no different. Dr. King, as he is celebrated in the U.S. by the majority of politicians and institutions would be unrecognizable to King himself. King was a militant opponent of US wars and militarism. He was a fierce advocate for the poor, the forgotten, the victims of the fabled American success story celebrated by its white beneficiaries. He repeatedly risked his life confronting not just racist policies or segregation, but the white supremacy ingrained in US society to this very day. But King the radical, the anti-imperialist, the anti-racist is not the King that is celebrated today. That King would certainly not be invited to his own memorial or the dedications of parks named in his honor.

Rebuttal: Trump is an opportunist, not an ideology to anything but to what the trend is at the time, $$$.A nationalist can come in many colors and sticks to one. Unable to diverse their scheme of thought and diversify their intellectual independent mind portfolio. Any investment advisor will advise you to diversify your portfolio. King was anti-war, diverse in understanding how everything we touch, what made this country so great through immigration in which they were given the opportunity and freedom to bring forth their ideas. We should all care for the poor and lift them up to give a jump start to life again, not through religious programming to fill their coffers, but through governmental policies elected through a free democracy. We should not in the US, think more of animals, than we do the homeless and forgotten the human being. What is rearing its head, in what started in 1919-45 is rearing its ugly head again, a religious prohibition that is restricting the world's freedoms, nationalism (Naziism), isolationism from the world market, protectionism which fuels inflation and high interest rates, in which another depression and war will flush out the bad, but do we have to go their and heed the warnings.

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