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Friday, May 4, 2018

China Fights Back on Trade Policy, Steel and Crop Sales Being Hurt with the Farmers in the Mid West, Nationalism vs Globalization

China has already imposed new tariffs on American sorghum, a blow to farmers in Kansas, and threatened similar steps against soybeans and other agricultural products that would hit Trump-friendly voters elsewhere in the Midwest.

Whatever the administration decides, recent history points toward net negative economic efforts. Analysis of steel tariffs imposed by Bush found they created fewer jobs in steel production than they destroyed through higher prices for steel-consuming industries.

The farmers will feel the pain. There was some news prior to that of sorghum being idle at sea on ships because they could not bring it into ports. His policies on immigration have downgraded makes people think twice about immigrating to the US, affected tourism to the US while other nations do not see the same America that once imported it pop culture. The steel decline started with Reagan, Reagan started free trade but guided by Bush. It will not last when countries have other places to go. We are no longer in the Cold War error when the world was half under a communist system and a half under a capitalist system. More players, more choices, prices. This is why nationalism never works, competition does and that is what globalism brings with more choices. We do not need to go back in time. In 2019 he will be a lame duck.

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