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Sunday, November 12, 2017

Sinni-Shiite Proxy Wars, Oil, Military Complex, Christianity, WW3, Regional War Buildup in the Middle East

This has them making for a regional war between the Sunnis and the Shiites. It will drive up oil prices and bring the US to fill the void of the lost oil through fracking. We must keep in mind that the Russians have airbases in Iran and Syria. The US is in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan. The whole region has become a hotbed ever since Trump's visit. Big oil+Trump's visit+New Saudi King=WW3, high oil prices for big oil, military complex profit, and a reason for Christian mercenaries to infiltrate Islamic culture. I do like the idea of opening up the Islamic society to bring forth openess and information flow without censorship in which in the old ways of the kingdom. Zuckerberg brings home the idea of a worldwide open society through all people being connected to the internet, He is thinking of running for president, we need to replace the one we got who does not understand globalization and wants to take us back to the of fake preachers, fake wrestling, and the mob culture.

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