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Thursday, November 2, 2017

Republicans Tax Offer, Cut Medicare and Medicaid, Pell Grants, 90% in 401K Contributions, Mortgage Interest Reduction, etc

Republicans say economic ‘growth’ will pay for the tax cuts, so there’s no need to cut social programs like Medicare and Medicaid,” Reich said. “But Republicans have just passed a budget that would cut nearly $1.5 trillion from Medicare and Medicaid to pay for these tax cuts. Pell grants, housing assistance and even cancer research are also on the chopping block.”
So the Republicans are RAISING MIDDLE CLASS TAXES. Let me count the ways MY Taxes are GOING UP:

401k deduction - cut 90%
Mortgage interest deduct - GONE or significantly reduced.
State/fed tax deduction -GONE
Pushed into Higher tax bracket.
Commentary: Republicans want to cut Medicare, reducing the chances of those who worked toward retirement and in their old age, the goal, same as budget cuts, no care for the elderly, better chance of them dying off. Take medicaid from the poor, the same, reduce their chance of making a comeback or a restart, and reduce the population. The Republicans talk of agenda 21, what is this? Is this their agenda 21?
$2.2T, have been spent on the War on Terror and the wars in Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq. Cut some of that down!
Young people you Pell Grants will be cut. People working towards a retirement, your 401K max contribution amount will got from $18,500 to $2,450 so here you are taxed again. It does not figure out and only thing the Republicans can say is it will put $4,000 more in your wallet or purse. They have already taken it out, Do the math people.

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