In Genesis 11 we read the account of the tower of Babel, where the people, attempting to build a tower that reaches to heaven, have their language confused and are scattered across the whole face of the earth by God.
The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”
It's not clear to me from the statement above why God decides to do this. Is a tower to heaven somehow a threat (though obviously not a credible one)? A boast? Is it because they don't want to spread out, but God's desire is for them to spread out? Some other reason? What's going on here?
Today the tower of Babel is the Internet. In the Trump administration, there are two influences left, the nationalistic lobby is gone with David Bannon. It is the evangelical council (con artist preachers who feed on gullible people using fear and preaching ancient text) and the military and police law enforcement lobby to back up the cause in which is being implemented on us today.
Trump and his lobbies are against the freedom of speech on our Internet, the press because it allows us to free people in the world to communicate and spread ideas that solve problems globally. Free thought, free spirit and free trade. Keep us dumb and brainwashed to the fact of ideas from different walks of life.
Another reason they are against globalization. The loss of identity of the white global dominance once enjoyed and the predjudice suppression that existed with that power.
Chistianity and Zionism are afraid of new Eastern ideas and philosophies and allowing people to be independent thinkers and they are trying to reverse this factor by not supporting the internet, the wonders to come through biotechnologies, nanotechnologies, robotics, artificial intelligence learning, algorithms and making our life easier.
The tower of Babel is the internet and the fundamentalistic Christadum is against and the same with how Islam will deal with it. They want to take us into a nationalistic theological dark age of propaganda and telling you that what is and what is not fake news.
It is time to wake up to the fact that this declining with the Trump administration.
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