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Saturday, July 15, 2017

Global Economic Outlook for 2017-2020

Global GDP in this time period should be around 3-4% annually. China, South America, South East Asia, East Europe and Central America are looking good in this GDP range and possibility of doing better. The Feds tampering with interest rates including Western Europe, Japan, Australia will be bad in which it uses these interest rate hike as to prop up their currencies and is a hidden sales tax upon their population in sales of high end asset such as cars and houses.The USA made a big mistake, pulling out of the Trans Pacific Partnership that all will participate in in the ASEAN region, they, not us will prosper from this move. Nationalism and protectionism can be counter productive in this aspect. Tariffs and trade wars will only bring hardship on the American consumer in interest rate hikes to control inflation and the weakening American currency. The new Trump administration is and will be a hindrance to this process. Immigration is important in the aspect of growing Western European economies and the North American economy and pro population growth enhancing social safety nets, medical care for the elderly and the social security system to replenish the fund through contribution of immigrants payrolls into the fund. Wind and solar will play a big part in keeping oil prices at bay and keeping the rogue Middle East and Islamic influence at bay withstanding mixing freedoms, government and religions together which is not good. Solar energies can play a big part in desert countries in power production that can be sold to other countries in the form of electricity. Electric car are and now taking off replacing fossil fuel burning cars, buses and trucks. Oil has seen its hey day. Diversification in the economies are important such as not relying on one sector such as oil has been to most countries, this will determine who survives and who does not in the geopolitical stage. BRIC, such as Brazil, Russia, India and China will dominate and reshape the world economy and geopolitical status later in the coming years and decades. China and India will be the dominate players. Hindu and Atheist influence will be great. Africa will play a bigger part in providing a global cheap labor force in the decades to come and immigration from these countries should be favorable to countries that will accept them into their country. Africa has a big potential in the commodities such as oil, coal, natural gas, aluminum, copper and iron ore. Imports of these product from these countries would serve better by being produced and shipped from these countries. Diplomacy is cheaper and better than playing the worlds biggest military power. Coalition of countries to solve problems is better in saving the Americans tax payers money which can be spent better solving social problems at home. The days of the military industrial complex must come to an end so the world can come together in cooperation as one world in co op with one another. Islam must accept moderate Islam, and understand as the American forefathers understood that religion does not mix well with the peoples government and that democracy must prevail. Extremism, Fanaticism, Nationalism, Protectionism must be bought to an end so that the world can develop into one global open society, open bordered, free marketed, multicultural, free thinking and free spirited world.

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