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Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Why We Are in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Libya

Sadly the US has become the number one purveyor of death and destruction. Why are we still in Afghanistan? Although initially justified there is zero justification for NATO or US troops presence in 2017. Although the first Iraq war was justified there was zero justification for Iraq war number 2. Why are we still fighting there? Why Libya and why are we involved in Syria? Our penchant for military conflict has and continues to cost lives globally. Is this what we are paying taxes for?


We are fighting to prevent launching pad like in 911 from becoming them again. Such as Afghanistan. Afghanistan has tons of natural resources, women are oppressed by the Taliban. Afghanistan has tons of natural gas, lithium and is the number one producer of opium that is being protected by the Taliban. Afghanistan harbors the Taliban which Pakistan fights like us and Pakistan is a nuclear power near by a nuclear power India.

Iraq has the highest growing population in the Middle East. They are becoming better fighters in light of fighting ISIS. It is set to become one of the major oil suppliers in the region. It is an enclave of Iranian influence and the blood we wasted there in American troops and the money wasted to free them, we should be getting something back in return.

Libya is a spring board to Europe and ISIS is still there, They have launched attacks there and Italy is very close. One of the terrorist there in the UK was an Italian citizen. Again, Libya is a big oil producer and it it neighboring Niger, one of the biggest countries with larger uranium deposits.

Syria is complicated. Gas and oil pipelines to be run through it and there is direct competition between Russia and other international pipelines. One of the biggest natural gas deposits are in the Mediterrainian Ocean off the coast of Syria. There is a brutal dictator there called Assad. One only to Hussain who has used chemical weapons on its own people. It holds the capital to ISIS, Raqqa. It holds many players in the region that could break out into a war with Russia. Kurds, ISIS, Syrian freedom fighter, Turkey, Syria, Russian and American involvement. All competing for power in the region.

Clinton had it right in the Arab Spring. She was a big advocate for freeing women from the bonds of Islamic women's oppression, but that was shot down by Obama by pulling out of this initiative and tide Clinton's hands when she was SOS. Now here we are.

You are paying taxes, so you don't become part of the intended global caliphate down the road and in preventing it. There are only two religions that want to rule the world and they proved it down through history and that was the Christian Crusades and the Islamic invasion of Europe prior to the 15th century. Need I say more or are we becoming the passificist that we were prior to WW1 and WW2 just before Japan and Germany almost took the world over. One once of prevention is work a pound of cure.

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