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Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Religion, Free Thinking, Free Spirit and Your Life's Journey that Belongs to No One

It's amazing if you try to talk about this with any religious person in America, they will block this out and will not even consider it or investigate the facts themselves. The more you begin to investigate, what we think we understand, where we came from or what we are doing. The more you begin to see we've been lied to. What makes you think for one minute that the religious institutions are not just like in the business in making money off an ancient idea or philosophy. You must investigate and not just right off believe in something that is told you into concept of a book witnessed and written by men of the world and not Jesus himself. When you really get down to it, many become rich off of religions and so do organizations and institutions, to sell that this idea is the only idea that belongs in the world and everything else is false, mind control that brings you into their realm and the money with it. We have been mislead away from the true and divine presence of the Universe that men have called God. Why do we kill for religion, to make money? Or bring in the flocks to make it more stronger and manipulating? I don't know what God is but I know what he isn't. And unless and until you're prepared to look at the whole truth, the global universal truth through free thought, free spirit, learn all the religions because they are all based on the same similarities as the other, and most being ethnically connected.Wherever you go along life's journey and its life long learning path, you must seek through your own investigation and curiosity and adopt your own set of morals and beliefs through logic and reasoning and not what is programmed to you. You must understand that we are now entering in to a new dawn of the tree of life and the tree of knowledge, it being the life of self spiritual development and finding it through your life's journey through sufferings, people that come into our life, lessons we learn from good or bad, etc. The tree of knowledge being artificial intelligence, technologies to come, interaction with machines in coping with life when other do not share it with us, become your own answer to life through the new enhancements that come into this world and not into some fantasy world. Shy away from those who condemn you for your independence in though or logic, reason, free thinking and free spirituality whatever that may be. The world in yours.

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