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Saturday, December 31, 2016

World Regional Growth 2016-2050 GDP %

China-Japan-APEC                  26%
India-South Asia                      21%
North America                         12%
EU                                            11%
SE Asia-ASEAN                      11%
Latin America-OAS                   8%
Middle East GCC                       7%
Africa                                          4%                        

Thursday, December 29, 2016

The World Market in 2017.

In watching Bloomberg, they talked of what would interfere with growth, these are the issues.

1. Any conflicts of war or governmental changes. These are places to watch:

Venzuala-The people in Venzuela are in upheaval over their leader and the government is in strife to where it will go. Venzueala is oil rich and could effect that commodity on the world oil market.

Ukraine-There is a war going on in the Ukraine that is not covered by the mainstream media. You can only find out about it through correspondent links and foreign news agencies. Russia use to pipe in a lot of natural gas to the Ukraine, that is not happening now and won't pick up in anytime soon. Maybe the upcoming Russian and American relations will improve with Trump.

Libya-Again, oil. Most of the ISIS elements have been cleared out but the country is not that stable and other countries that produce oil might like it that way to keep the supply down and entering the market. As long as there is war and conflict in any oil producing area worldwide, then that is the excuse to keep prices up and profitable.

Syria and Iraq. Same problems with Libya, but in Syria and Iraq, there is a lot more player. So just follow, won't nothing happen much in 2017 unless ISIS is done in and the rebel forces in Syria relinquish.

Terrorism disrupts economic supply lines and cost countries a lot of money for maintaining vigilance.
Terrorist know this and that's why they attack people (tax payers) and economic flow.

Pakistan and India has been heating up and both sides have nukes, all over Kashmir which is the water supply to both countries.

Donald Trump has been talking bad on Mexico, NAFTA, TPP and China. If he puts forth a trade war with any of these countries, it will cause disruption in supply chains around the world because all this has been connected and was started with globalization since Reagan. A lot of nationalist and isolationist do not comphrehend this, which is stupid.

Monday, December 26, 2016

US Government Spending and Priorities

This is where your tax payer money goes for the current government in %

Defense                          34%
Health Human Svc         25%
Energy                           10%
Labor                               6%
Agriculture                      5%
Interior                             4%
Veterans Affairs              4%
Transportation                 3%
Justice                              2%
Education                         2%
Homeland Security          2%
State                                 1%
Treasury                           1%
Commerce                        1%

Note: What is amazing to me is the amount of money we spend on defense.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Deaths: Gang, Murder, Guns, Drug Overdoses, War on Drugs, Imprisoned (Drugs), Police, Muslim Jihadist, White Extremist in the US

Gang related murders, 2,000+ average each year.
Murders: 15,500+ average each year.
Gun related murders: 13,000+ average per year.
Drug overdoses: 48,000+ average per year.
War on Drugs in the US: 1,000+ average per year.
There are now 400,000+ people incarcerated in prisons for drug related offense.
There are more than 1.8 million people arrested in the US each year on drug related offenses.
Police average 1,200+ every year in killings of civilians in the US
3,000+ proclaimed killings Jihadist Muslim extremist in the US each year.
Only 50 white extremist murders each year.

Gangs should be outlawed, they are cults in a sense. 2,000 per year saved.
There should be more restrictions placed on guns, especially background checks on individuals.
Drug overdoses as you can see are a big problem in the US, mostly do to the heroin epidemic.
Each person it is said cost the American tax payer 50k a year to house a prisoner each year, 400,000, think about it.
Muslim extremist do kill a lot of the people in the US, but not as many as the drug problem itself.
Not many are killed by white extremist as much as others, but a lot is covered up because of the majority in ethnic unity.

These statistics were derived by google research articles though google search. Feel free to comment to share the new for fyi.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Maximizing Your Brain Potential

Simple rule that you can research if in non belief. Took these note off of a PBS station and thought they would be beneficial for my audience on Google and Twitter feeds. Won't go into detail to much, any other questions please research through the Internet.

Eat dark chocolate
Listen to classical and soft rock music, even disco.
No drinking. People who drink tend to have smaller brains.
No marijuana. Although it is a substance that make you happy, spiritual and mellow, it is not for the intellectual of deep thought thinker.
Vitamin D. You can get it from sunshine, drink a lot of milk, take vitamin D supplements (3x the daily dosage).
Take a multivitamin everyday.
Omega 3 fatty oils, which are good for your brain and also good for circulation.
Weight loss, through fat burner supplements, exercise and increasing your brain activity. Your brain burns 30% of the calories you consume.
Evolve with the situation or leave, fight or flight, your health and cutting down on the stress are more important than money and believe me, I have learned the hard way.
Drink green tea.
Use cinnamon when spicing or sweetening foods.
Use as much spice in your food as possible, through soups and marination
Eat bananas.
Eat seafood.
Try to do 12 hour fasting. I once worked with a Pakistani at a store who claimed and it has been proven through studies that fasting can detox the body.
Take high potency stress tabs.
Take probiotics.

Hope this helps you increase your health. Look for me on Google+ and Twitter for my blogs and post and I will return the favor.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Regional Percentages of GDP 2050 World

Asia Pacific             41%
South Asia               18%
North America         16%
Europe                      10%
Latin America            6%
Middle East                5%
Africa                         4%

Share of GDP's of the World Economy in 2050

China        25%                     
India         13%                      
USA         12%
Indonesia   4%
Brazil         3%
Russia        3%
Mexico       2%
Nigeria       2%
Germany    2%
Japan          2%
France        2%
UK             2%
Turkey       2%
Canada       1%
Italy            1%
Philippines 1%
Korea         1%
Vietnam     1%
Bangladesh 1%
Egypt          1%
Ethiopia      1%
Iraq              1%
Pakistan       1%
Taiwan         1%
Thailand       1%

Rest of the World 14%

Top 20 Countries with HIV Epedemic

1. Swaziland
2. Lesotho
3. Botswana
4. South Africa
5. Zimbabwe
6. Namibia
7. Zambia
8. Mozambique
9. Malawi
10. Uganda
11. Eq Guinea
12. Kenya
13. Tanzania
14. Central Africa
15. Cameroon
16. Gabon
17. Guinea Bissau
18. Bahamas
19. Cote D'Ivorie
20. Nigeria

Note: All in Africa