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Monday, September 26, 2016

These Should Be the Global Trend Set Policies in the Next 40 years 2020-2060

These Should Be the Global Trend Set Policies tin the Next 40 Years 2020-2060

Freedom of the media and the Internet, social platforms, algorithms, and blockchain.
Free markets and no subsidizing, tariffs on products and services.
Social Security will be saved by immigration influx and more liberal immigration policies, anti-abortion policies.
African development and stabilization.
Weaning off of oil from the Middle East to make oil wars the thing of the past
Deregulation of nanotechnology and biotechnologies to further human life and health care causes.
Religion vs the free Internet, Tree of Life vs Tree of Knowledge, should not be regulated by governments or religion
Deregulation of biotechnology and nanotechnologies  for food production and plant adaptation
Deregulation of cannabis and marijuana, where cannabis will take over cotton, paper, oil, and big pharma industries.
Globalization within the cooperation of the open trade, lax border and over the border exchange of products, free markets, lax immigration policies.
Information flow should not be interfered with by governments, especially oppressive governments.
Artificial intelligence should be allowed to advance as fast as possible for human adaptation to it.
Deregulation of banks, health care, energy, biotechnology, nanotechnology, and education industries worldwide
Worldwide democratization.
Freedom of art, entertainment, and expression worldwide.
The eradication of extremism, fanaticism and religious prohibitions for the advancement of human liberties.
Worldwide end to the drug wars, oil wars, and peaceful collectivism, worked out through the UN.
Large investment in robots, space travel.
Deregulation of worldwide food imports, eastern medicines and drugs
Deregulation of the worldwide pharmaceutical trade.
Worldwide research on diabetes and cancer to find a cure to end the diseases instead of prolonging them for profit
Individuals worldwide right to express the personal free spirit and free thought.
Deregulation of the transportation and communications sectors for products and information flow to promote competition
Deregulation for the food and agricultural sectors to feed a growing world population.
Global warming actually increases crop yield so the deregulation of carbon emissions, more trees needed and less climate global regulation.
Fracking increase to keep the OPEC nations at bay from high oil prices.
Getting rid of subsidies in the energy sector and letting the consumer decide what energy source suits they're needs
Diplomacy first over war and the military-industrial complex, for war is a racket and expensive
Economic growth over ideological  religion and prohibitions which extend from it, freedom from religion and promoting the individual free thought and spirit
Recycling not to benefit the local governments through recycling programs but for the consumers and the private citizen who actually paid for the resources
Open borders for commerce and immigration. this would increase global economic activity by 2.5 times.
White and black nationalism will harm American economic growth. Nationalism is socialism
Population growth should be encouraged with incentives and free cost of pregnancy delivery. There should be an anti-abortion policy set in place and liberal immigration policies to bring immigrants in to stimulate population in countries where it is needed
Brazil, Russia, China, and India will grow at a rapid pace and the United States should not miss the opportunity for growth which can be done through lenient, immigration information flow, open borders, and multiculturalism policies
The legalization of prostitution but the outlawing of pimping and the modern slave trade of human trafficking.
Prison depopulation that puts a burden on the taxpayer, end private prisons and the minimum term incarceration
 No human being should be denied the right to vote or to participate in a free election
A world priority to tackle the world refugee and homeless

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