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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Q8 - Trump - cut entitlements, Social Security, deficit, deliver on prom...

Rumble - Trump Says It’s Moral To Cut Social Security

Hundreds protest El Cajon police shooting

Peres's Death and Being Jewish

I don't understand the hoopla of this man's death, when many other famous people die around the world everyday. There are so many other prominent figures in the world but we are isolated to the point that it breaks off from just being Jewish and it being connected to Christianity.

It is all a part of what groups have the money, what majority sector and part of the world you are in..

If everyone was connected to the internet and every connection could be translated to unhinder the communication between connections then we would have a better understanding world in which we live and every person would be free to think as they should.

You see, this is what we are facing into today's world. The Babel of Babylon where pagans freedoms created most of our great ancient civilizations. The Greeks, Egyptians, Romans, Babylon, and on and on. Most of our religions today were created from the pagan beliefs and the pagan belief now is the internet and the freedom to say what you want without the fear of retribution which you would get from Christianity or Islam. I think they call it blasphamy. All other religions do not take it to the extremes as these to or the Jewish persecution of Jesus which from Christianity and Islam is rooted from Judaism.

Migrants and Why They Risk Death and Your Ancestors Did the Same

Migrants and Immigrants and Why They Risk Death and Your Ancestors Did the Same

Most are young or parents of the young who want their children to experience life better than what they did.

This being said then, ask yourself why not create a world or help create this world by sort of spreading the gospel of freedom, democracy, free thought, free spirit, and free choice.

It seems the world is getting to the point where is wants to crawl inside itself and nationalize but not knowing that it was founded on globalization, free markets, immigration, and migration. Even your ancestor was risking it all to find a new place in the world for freedom.

We have had 2 ugly forms of nationalism, Hitler and Mussolini. One ugly form of communism, was Stalin. Now we have a restrictive religion in the form of Islam.

The recent forms of now Russian nationalism and American nationalism link the same philosophies that separated the world in the 1920s and 30's bought on the Great Depression and WW2.

The ugly form of communism now you see in and I will say Beijing China and North Korea is the Stalinist form. But in China, all the power exists in Shanghai, Hong Kong, and other Chinese Southern provinces and feeds the control of the north.

The extremist, fundamentalist, religious dogma, the brainwashing of ancient philosophies, the free suppression of freedom of why a person cannot be a person who can travel a journey in their life to become what they want to be, become what faith or free spirit they want to become and choices they can make in all this being protected within their societies are all a part of being willing to be a migrant or immigrant and risking it all not to be controlled and part of a system they do not want to be a part of.

If the world were to become a part of being free as a whole, you would not have mass migrations or mass immigration because the whole world would be like Europe, the United States and other free democratized places.

When you go to elect, change or escape a civilization or system you live in presently, it means you see no hope of that country or government changes. When a populus cannot change its system, usually through revolution, mass protest, or someone individual coming to the rescue of the masses, Gandhi, King, Lincoln, etc, people escape, migrate and immigrate.

Support the mixing in of others from other cultures, because one your escaping ancestors wanted the same and why you are here and you live in freedom and we as a world are forgetting this.

Monday, September 26, 2016

My Spiritual Make up Profile

Universal Unitarian        100%
New Age                          99%
Buddhism                         91%
Scientology                      90%

Taoism                              87%
Pagan                                83%
Jainism                              83%
Hindu                                81%
Sheikdom                             78%
Christianity                       59%
Humanism                         50%
Baha'i Faith                        49%
Later Day Saints                39%
Theist                                38%
Islam                                 36%
Jehovah Witness              30%
7th Day Adventist             29%
Orthodox                           26%
Catholic                             26%

Top 10 Populated Cities in 2025

1. Tokyo, Japan                  36 million
2. Mumbai, India               26 million
3. Delhi, India                    23 million
4. Dhaka, Bangladesh        22 million
5. Calcutta, India               21 million
6. New York, USA            21 million
7. Sao Paulo, Brazil          21 million
8. Mexico City, Mexico    21 million
9. Karachi, Pakistan         19 million
10. Shanghai, China         19 million

Cheapest Places to Live or Retire

1. Karachi, Pakistan
2. Mumbai, India
3. New Delhi, India
4. Katmandu, Nepal
5. Algiers, Algeria
6. Bucharest, Romania
7. Colombo, Sri Lanka
8. Panama City, Panama
9. Jetta, Saudi Arabia
10. Tehran, Iran
11.Dhaka, Bangladesh
12. Muscat, Oman
13. Manila, Philippines
14. Tunis, Tunisia
15. Quito, Ecuador
16. Sofia, Bulgaria
17. Cairo, Egypt
18. Nairobi. Kenya
19. Lima, Peru
20. Vilnius, Lithuania
21. Mexico City. Mexico
22. Johannesburg, South Africa
23. Santiago, Chile
24. Bogota, Colombia
25. Kiev, Ukraine

These Should Be the Global Trend Set Policies in the Next 40 years 2020-2060

These Should Be the Global Trend Set Policies tin the Next 40 Years 2020-2060

Freedom of the media and the Internet, social platforms, algorithms, and blockchain.
Free markets and no subsidizing, tariffs on products and services.
Social Security will be saved by immigration influx and more liberal immigration policies, anti-abortion policies.
African development and stabilization.
Weaning off of oil from the Middle East to make oil wars the thing of the past
Deregulation of nanotechnology and biotechnologies to further human life and health care causes.
Religion vs the free Internet, Tree of Life vs Tree of Knowledge, should not be regulated by governments or religion
Deregulation of biotechnology and nanotechnologies  for food production and plant adaptation
Deregulation of cannabis and marijuana, where cannabis will take over cotton, paper, oil, and big pharma industries.
Globalization within the cooperation of the open trade, lax border and over the border exchange of products, free markets, lax immigration policies.
Information flow should not be interfered with by governments, especially oppressive governments.
Artificial intelligence should be allowed to advance as fast as possible for human adaptation to it.
Deregulation of banks, health care, energy, biotechnology, nanotechnology, and education industries worldwide
Worldwide democratization.
Freedom of art, entertainment, and expression worldwide.
The eradication of extremism, fanaticism and religious prohibitions for the advancement of human liberties.
Worldwide end to the drug wars, oil wars, and peaceful collectivism, worked out through the UN.
Large investment in robots, space travel.
Deregulation of worldwide food imports, eastern medicines and drugs
Deregulation of the worldwide pharmaceutical trade.
Worldwide research on diabetes and cancer to find a cure to end the diseases instead of prolonging them for profit
Individuals worldwide right to express the personal free spirit and free thought.
Deregulation of the transportation and communications sectors for products and information flow to promote competition
Deregulation for the food and agricultural sectors to feed a growing world population.
Global warming actually increases crop yield so the deregulation of carbon emissions, more trees needed and less climate global regulation.
Fracking increase to keep the OPEC nations at bay from high oil prices.
Getting rid of subsidies in the energy sector and letting the consumer decide what energy source suits they're needs
Diplomacy first over war and the military-industrial complex, for war is a racket and expensive
Economic growth over ideological  religion and prohibitions which extend from it, freedom from religion and promoting the individual free thought and spirit
Recycling not to benefit the local governments through recycling programs but for the consumers and the private citizen who actually paid for the resources
Open borders for commerce and immigration. this would increase global economic activity by 2.5 times.
White and black nationalism will harm American economic growth. Nationalism is socialism
Population growth should be encouraged with incentives and free cost of pregnancy delivery. There should be an anti-abortion policy set in place and liberal immigration policies to bring immigrants in to stimulate population in countries where it is needed
Brazil, Russia, China, and India will grow at a rapid pace and the United States should not miss the opportunity for growth which can be done through lenient, immigration information flow, open borders, and multiculturalism policies
The legalization of prostitution but the outlawing of pimping and the modern slave trade of human trafficking.
Prison depopulation that puts a burden on the taxpayer, end private prisons and the minimum term incarceration
 No human being should be denied the right to vote or to participate in a free election
A world priority to tackle the world refugee and homeless

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Global Markets 2060

The Trillion $ Club 2060:

China                 138               
India                    73             
USA                    65             
Indonesia             23               
Russia                 15                  .
Brazil                  14
Mexico               13
Nigeria                13
Japan                  12
Germany             10
France                  9
Turkey                  9
UK                       8
Saudi Arabia         8
Canada                 6
Italy                      6
Philippines             6
Korea                   6
Vietnam                 6
Bangladesh            5
Egypt                    5
Iraq                       5
Pakistan                5
Taiwan                  5
Thailand                5
Argentina              4
Iran                      4
Poland                  4
Australia               3
Colombia              3
Kazakhstan            3
Peru                      3
Qatar                     3
South Africa          3
Ukraine                 3
Algeria                  2
Myanmar              2
Chile                     2
Hong Kong           2
Israel                     2
Netherlands           2
Romania                2
Singapore              2
Sri Lanka               2
Sweden                 2
Uzbekistan             2
Venezuela               2
Angola                   1
Austria                   1
Belarus                   1
Czech Rep              1
Ethiopia                  1
Ghana                     1
Kuwait                    1
Morocco                 1
Norway                   1
Switzerland              1
Turkmenistan            1

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

World Religions 2050 and in America

The world Religions in 2050

Christians       32%
Muslims         30%
Hindu             15%
NA                15%
Buddhist          5%
Folk                3%

In America:

Protestants          25%
Unaffiliated         23%
Catholic              14%
Universal              6%

Notes: In the world, you will notice that traditional thought patterns and old ways are still prevalent and the Internet has really not taken hold. Information is controlled or sanctioned.

In America, where information passes freely, you can see there is a big difference. Trending GDP where China, India, USA will dominate the GDP landscape you will see a more influx of atheism, Hinduism and unaffiliated growth rate continue upward. Christianity will stabilize.

Top Economic Sector Rankeds by 2060 in Growth

Top Sectors of the World Economies in 2050 for Growth

1. Information Technology
2. Discount Retail
3. Electronics
4. Food and Beverages
5. Telecommunications
6. Online Retail
7. Banking
8. Investment Firms
9. Transportation
10. Fast Food/Restaurants
11. Oil and Energy

Projected 2060 GDP rates in the world

China               88 trillion         8% annually
USA                60 trillion         4% annually
India                44 trillion         8% annually
Brazil               21 trillion         5% annually
Russia              15 trillion         5% annually
Germany          13 trillion         2% annually
Japan                12 trillion         2% annually
Mexico             12 trillion         5% annually
Korea               11 trillion         5% annually
Indonesia         10 trillion         5% annually
Turkey               8 trillion         5% annually
France                6 trillion         3% annually
UK                     6 trillion         3% annually
Italy                   4 trillion          2% annually
Canada               4 trillion         2% annually

BRIC                170 trillion       7% annually
NAFTA            103 trillion       5% annually
G7                    101 trillion       5% annually