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Sunday, October 12, 2014

Islamic World Goal, Control and Keep Us Addicted to Oil, Oil Tied to the Dollar, To Institute Islamic Law Around the World, Terror is Big Business, Degradation of Women in Religion, Military Industrial Complex,

To bring upon the world extreme Islam upon the whole world. No religion should be a part of your personal liberties and freedoms. Christian nor Islam.

Control the world's oil reserves and supply. Why are we, the USA embedded there in so many Mid East wars  Oil is tied to the dollar after the dollar was taken off the gold standard in 1972 (Nixon)? It feeds the military complex and keeps the dollar steady. But is an expensive addiction to maintain currency.

If extreme Islamic did take over the world, it would degrade, women keeping them isolated. Women need to be free from any type of religious oppression. They bear us children, take care of their well being and repopulate the world and that deserves respect. Islam does the opposite. Islam needs a little bit of pop culture and western feminism.

The Islamic extremist is in Afghanistan for a number of reasons. Afghanistan is the number one opium producers in the world, it is now controlled by the Taliban, it has a vast reserve of lithium (the future of electric cars and their batteries). Vast natural gas reserves and the ability to take control of Pakistan with one of the largest nuclear arsenals in the world. India could play a role in this but our treatment of India has been very passive.

Understand that they want to limit the western world's resources, make you tired of war and to be passive towards their caliphate cause, breaking our will. To hit us and financially cripple the USA and Western Countries at bay. New York (the ade financial capital of the world). Control of oil, and inflate the dollar it is tied too.

I do agree that we are taking the right approach to fight them for now, but we could solve the whole problem with alternative energies.

Think again of the importance of opium, oil, lithium, natural resources, waterways and closing down transit routes that hindering world commerce flow. The answer is alternatives to oil to steer away from throwing resources into the Middle East and oil-rich countries and to quit supplementing fossil fuels or any at that point. 

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