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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Top Countries in Population 2050

1. India              1808m    (Hindu)
2. China             1690m   (Athiest, Chinese Folk)
3. USA                411m     (Christian)
4. Indonesia        356m     (Islamic)
5. Nigeria           353m      (Islamic, Christian)
6. Pakistan          291m      (Islamic)
7. Brazil             260m       (Christian)
8. Bangladesh    225m       (Islamic)
9. Ethiopia         182m       (Christian)
10. Mexico        174m        (Christian)  
11. Philippines   160m       (Christian)
12. Congo          144m       (Christian, Islamic)
13. Egypt           139m       (Islamic)
14. Russia          129m        (Orthodox)
15. Japan            122m        (Japanese, Atheism)
16. Vietnam        122m       (Christian, Atheism)
17. Iran               114m       (Islamic)
18. Turkey          106m       (Islamic)
19. Tanzania       103m       (Christian)
20. Sudan             97m        (Islamic)

By Region 2050

Asia          5938m
Africa       2123m
Latin Am    871m
Europe        765m
North Am   466m
Oceania        60m

Religions: 2050 Top 8

Christians          3453m
Islamic              2776m
Agnostic           2149m
Hindu                1501m
Buddhist             746m
Chinese Folk      436m
Atheism              361m

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Principals of Global Doctrine for World Globalization

Knowledge is power and the internet is your power that connects you to the whole world.

Gnostism is the merge of religions and salvation through knowledge, which is the internet.

Kennedy said one time that the world should be free and open.

Multi religious beliefs applyed to the world.

Rationalism and logic is the basic foundation for multiculturalism.

Money and elected populations shall make the laws and should be reviewed to rescind those outdated for societal time frame.

Banks should be deregulated to allow free flow of capital across the world to change the world more freely without complicated red tape.

Free thought, free spirit, free markets.

Policing the world of religious extremism and  nationalism.

Create a market of diversified energies without supplementation or governments hindering it through environmental policies. Oil, gas, nuclear, wind, solar, wave, hydro, coal, waste, fusion).

Adopt pro population policies. Anti abortion measures, pro immigration and migration policies and anti planned parenthood policies.

All things run through the international community using the United Nations.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Islamic World Goal, Control and Keep Us Addicted to Oil, Oil Tied to the Dollar, To Institute Islamic Law Around the World, Terror is Big Business, Degradation of Women in Religion, Military Industrial Complex,

To bring upon the world extreme Islam upon the whole world. No religion should be a part of your personal liberties and freedoms. Christian nor Islam.

Control the world's oil reserves and supply. Why are we, the USA embedded there in so many Mid East wars  Oil is tied to the dollar after the dollar was taken off the gold standard in 1972 (Nixon)? It feeds the military complex and keeps the dollar steady. But is an expensive addiction to maintain currency.

If extreme Islamic did take over the world, it would degrade, women keeping them isolated. Women need to be free from any type of religious oppression. They bear us children, take care of their well being and repopulate the world and that deserves respect. Islam does the opposite. Islam needs a little bit of pop culture and western feminism.

The Islamic extremist is in Afghanistan for a number of reasons. Afghanistan is the number one opium producers in the world, it is now controlled by the Taliban, it has a vast reserve of lithium (the future of electric cars and their batteries). Vast natural gas reserves and the ability to take control of Pakistan with one of the largest nuclear arsenals in the world. India could play a role in this but our treatment of India has been very passive.

Understand that they want to limit the western world's resources, make you tired of war and to be passive towards their caliphate cause, breaking our will. To hit us and financially cripple the USA and Western Countries at bay. New York (the ade financial capital of the world). Control of oil, and inflate the dollar it is tied too.

I do agree that we are taking the right approach to fight them for now, but we could solve the whole problem with alternative energies.

Think again of the importance of opium, oil, lithium, natural resources, waterways and closing down transit routes that hindering world commerce flow. The answer is alternatives to oil to steer away from throwing resources into the Middle East and oil-rich countries and to quit supplementing fossil fuels or any at that point. 

Saturday, October 4, 2014

The Future of 2020-2050 Water, Oil, Wars, Robots, Spread of Nuclear Weapons, Population, World Debt and Feeding the World:

Water, Oil, Wars, Robots,  Spread of Nuclear Weapons, Population, World Debt and Feeding the World:

1. Water: This problem will be solved through salinization of water, the desalting of salt water. Water will become more expensive in the future and restrictions will be placed in drought-stricken areas. One problem with the oceans is the acidity of the oceans and polluting of our rivers and lakes. There will be strict standards placed on run off of contaminants in the future. Meanwhile, bottled water will be big business.

2. Oil is a finite resource and is projected to run out by 2040. Fracking shows hope for this problem, but there is also the need to tap the oceans and learn to drill deeper. Oil is still cheaper than most energy alternatives and continues to be in great demand. accept if it was not for the OPEC, Middle East conflicts and propping up the military complex manipulating the prices of oil which is no longer tied to gold but the dollar. Gas cars and electric transportation are great, but you first have to establish an infrastructure before you can mass produce these products, remember, the consumer likes convenience and in business if the customer comes first, then the consumer comes first in supply and demand in a world free market, with open borders to commerce, and a market with very little regulation or subsidies to products making the market competitive. Vehicles charging stations will be norms for incentives for people to shop, have coffee, eat at restaurants etc to draw customers.

3. Wars. Most likely this is the reason we continue to be in them. Afghanistan is an exception, it is more about opium and lithium and having geopolitical positioning against Russia and China and the threat of Pakistan having nuclear weapons and Taliban within its borders. War clogs the economic flow of the world commerce and needs to be policed up either by diplomatic correspondence or engagement by regional coalition forces coordination, and United Nations interactions collectivity by international communities. Radicalization, extremism and fanatical groups will always look at ways to financially fund their lunatic causes and operations in the world with their old dogma in a modern day globalized world which they will not accept. The new always prevails over the old.

4. Energy: Oil, the problem with oil, is when the stock market goes down, it goes up and vice versa. This is most likely to increase the dollars worth, in which it was pegged against, during the Nixon Administration in 1973. to protect against the USA from inflation and world currency turmoil if it happens, but to again, this raises interest rate in wake for the USA consumer. We have many ways to create alternative means to oil. The biggest thing we can do is to create competitive markets of all the energies, without subsidizing and letting the free world market decide without geopolitical manipulations. keeping patients from big oil from buying up patents and sitting on them, which has taken place down through the last 120 years plus. Set up financial laws to implement restricting patent buyouts with intent to manipulate markets this, but then again, you have lobbies influence politicians.

5. Robots and artificial intelligence: It is predicted by 2040, robots and artificial intelligence will be in households and be commonplace. Some worry, they will surpass our capabilities and go against human beings, all wild things can be tamed. Even so, maybe they won't have hang-ups such as most people today, stagnating past dogmas, ideologies that humans have. There will be more logic, reason, analytical thought, critical thinking, free thought in tomorrows world.

6. Nuclear proliferation: The biggest threat here is Islamic extremism, keeping Pakistan stable with the Taliban elements and Iran stable with its influence in the Middle East. This should be heavily monitored by all nations working through the UN and international coalitions. Most important, military policing is a must in the endeavor to spread democracy around the globe.

7. World population: It's slowing down, but not it's ability to keep up with the demands for worldwide healthcare consumer demands, Medicare and Medicaid, Social Security insolvency will need immigration and incentives for women in society having births. Taking care of human capital in the world and the world for a worldwide social safety net that every human deserves as a right for living. We often speak of cutting Social Security, but it needs to be left alone. In right, what you pay into is actually is 30 year Treasury Bonds, which in turn is an investment, your investment, being used as a government slush fund to fund unnecessary wars, conflicts, proxy wars and propping up the military complex, so cut them instead.  By encouraging women to have births through incentives and make all births free, free up immigration, open borders through official entry points, supporting anti-abortion groups or make abortion illegal except in cases of rape, incest or if the mother's life is in danger. We would not have to cut, because the influx of these measures would bring more people into solving the issues mentioned. There will be a universal basic pay or constant nonlimited unemployment insurance established which will be ever demanded by the public in developed countries and with the spread from western democracies instituted in other developing countries, this would take place too.

8. World debt: The myth that we can just cut taxes and keep on going with the same programs is dumb. The only way we can get it under control is to raise taxes to meet obligations that are required. but there are options for this. A flat tax, a value-added tax, instead of the current income tax, where taxes are fair across the board and you are taxed according to how you live in determining that tax. Businesses, corporations, and the government would have to work hand in hand in this scenario. People today have become self-centered, too greedy and anarchical in their care for others in a world. There is always a solution. Another thing about cuts, cuts are good, but don't touch the safety net of people who need these programs to get jump started in society again, or for those who have sacrificed and paid into the system
The Global Trillion $ Club Economies 2025 GDP Projected

USA                    25 trillion
China                  21 trillion
Japan                    6 trillion
Germany              5 trillion
France                  4 trillion
Russia                  4 trillion
India                     4 trillion
Italy                      3 trillion
Canada                 3 trillion
Netherlands          2 trillion
Spain                    2 trillion
Switzerland          2 trillion
Indonesia             2 trillion
Korea                   2 trillion
Mexico                2 trillion
Australia             2 trillion
Saudi Arabia       1 trillion
Turkey                 1 trillion

Regional % Rate of GDP

Asia            38%
Americas    31%
Europe        26%
Africa           3%
Oceania        2%

This should be your guide to an overseas investment portfolio.