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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Neoliberalism, Communism, Capitalism Fed

Starting in the 1970s, however, in a movement that would become known as neoliberalism, economic elites in these countries began mobilizing politically to lower taxes for the rich and corporations, to eviscerate democratic decision-making both in the workplace as well as at the ballot box, to slash spending on essential social services such as education and social security, to deregulate industries across the economy and to open up flows of capital across national borders. These “reforms” enabled corporations to evade virtually all forms of accountability either to the workers they employed or to the communities in which they operated. In the United States, neoliberalism was aided by racialized attacks on social service provision in which African American and Latino recipients of welfare and other anti-poverty programs were portrayed as an “undeserving poor” whose lifestyle was being subsidized by (white) taxpayers (even though whites constituted the largest group of welfare beneficiaries).
The success of neoliberalism across the United States and Europe differed based upon the relative strength or weakness of left-wing political parties and trade unions – leaving working people in traditional bastions of social democracy such as Sweden relatively better off than working people in countries such the United States where trade unions and the Left have been weak historically. But by the early 2000s, the historic gains made across these countries in the post-World War Two period had been rolled back dramatically. This, combined with the fall of Soviet and East European Communism and the marketization of the Chinese economy by the early 1990s, led most pundits and politicians to proclaim the ultimate triumph of neoliberalism: “There is no alternative” to the free market became the mantra of policymakers around the world.
In doing all this, many countries were pulled out of severe poverty, not all, but in trading with China and Russia, we fed Communism on the back of Capitalism. Now here we are with the wrong leadership in Xi and Putin.For now, Xi, Putin and the Ayatollah will do anything to stay in power, reboot WW3/

The World According to Me vs Ancient Religious Text

 The world is a whole organized system of social, economic, materialistic, and religious philosophies that have their expression through organizations, personalities, and governments. These entities are supplied and on demand by the populations that support them and elected by the people. This is what the world system is based upon. The world system is an extension and a result of departure from the older institutions and religions that are ancient and afraid of human advancements to solve their problems through future AI technologies. It provides an atmosphere, environment, and system that promotes what sells and what should be freely available to all humans in the world who consume ideas, products, all commerce, and the life they choose to live respecting others' lives in the process. It surrounds man with that which appeals to his fleshly desires. See less

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

World War Reboot and Populosm

  Nationalism and Putin, who is deep down a Communist version of Stalin, dumb gullible Americans, and Europeans who believe in populism are destroying NATO and bringing in the World War reboot with a Great Depression looming. The world will shake the stupidity out once again. The 20s and 30s had the same parallels; history repeats itself!

Friday, May 10, 2024

Relif%3ligious Syndrome

 Religious trauma syndrome (RTS) is recognized in psychology[citation needed] and psychotherapy[citation needed] as a set of symptoms, ranging in severity, experienced by those who have participated in or left behind authoritarian, dogmatic, and controlling religious groups and belief systems.[1] Symptoms include cognitive, affective, functional, and social/cultural issues as well as developmental delays.[2]

RTS occurs in response to two-fold trauma: first, the prolonged abuse of indoctrination from a controlling religious community, and second, the act of leaving the controlling religious community.[2] RTS has developed as its own heuristic collection of symptoms informed by psychological theories of trauma originating in PTSD, C-PTSD and betrayal trauma theory, taking relational and social context into account when approaching further research and treatment.
The term "religious trauma syndrome" was coined in 2011 by psychologist Marlene Winell in an article for the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies. However, the phenomenon was recognized long before that. The term has circulated among psychotherapists, former fundamentalists, and others recovering from religious indoctrination.[1][3] Winell explains the need for a label and the benefits of naming the symptoms encompassed by RTS as similar to naming anorexia as a disorder: the label can lessen shame and isolation for survivors while promoting diagnosis, treatment, and training for professionals who work with those suffering from the condition.[4] Survivors report relief when they find out that RTS is "real.

Mirrored Hiatory of Repeating History

 When a world of countries draws inward, before WW1 and WW2, protectionism, isolationism, nationalism, and extremism in any form cause inflation and high interest rates, in turn a weak currency. We will learn again. Holy rollers in the 1920's. Communist influence, in this case, the far right and left, 1929, world Great Depression, created desperate people, holy rollers creating illegal underground markets and gangs, with prohibition being the cause. Unionism is no better. Neutrality in geopolitics and the reboot for our stupidity is a World War, so go ahead and repeat history!


Saturday, May 4, 2024

Algurthims the New Religion

 What is the current status of religions and ideologies worldwide, and what will be the likely impact of 21st-century technological breakthroughs on religion and ideology? Will traditional religions and ideologies—from Christianity and Islam to Liberalism and Socialism—survive the technological and economic revolutions of the 21st century? What would be the place of Islam, for example, in a world of genetic engineering and artificial intelligence? The talk addresses these questions and argues that the future belongs to techno-religions, which promise salvation through technology and which are already gathering believers in places such as Silicon Valley.See less

Friday, May 3, 2024

Richard Wolff, Todays Present Economis


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U.S. Economy in Crisis, the Demise of the American Dream & China's Rise w/ Prof. Richard Wolff

The latest economic data shows that the U.S. is still battling inflation, which is no secret to the American people as they are feeling the pain every time they visit the grocery store. As for the dream of home ownership, that is unattainable for many Americans, as home prices have soared and the Fed keeps interest rates high, and the increase in wages is nowhere near the increase in living costs. Prof. Richard Wolff, an Economist and founder of Democracy at Work, noted that as the American middle class is shrinking, the U.S. is facing one thing it hasn't in decades: a legitimate competitor on the world stage. While the U.S. Empire may be declining, China is on the rise...See less

The Tree of Life, The Tree of Knowledge

 You can eat from the Tree of Life, but not From the Tree of Knowledge, of course, to keep you in line, programmed, because if you have the ability to research, gain knowledge, reason, and use logic, then you will rebel against the system. Keep them dumb is the idea behind the point